What are your chakras?

What are your chakras?

Rise and resonate

The word Chakra means disk/wheel and refers to the energy centres throughout your body. These wheels of spinning energy each align with major organs and certain nerve collections.

To work at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. When they get blocked, you may experience physical/spiritual/emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

There are 7 main chakras that run along your spine, some people believe you have at over 114 in the body!

The word Chakra is more mainstream in recent years, with the rise in new-age, alternative healing and medicine. A lot of people are agreeing with the idea that there is more to our health than what is physically in front of us, and that we may be able to treat, cure or balance our mind body and spirit through the likes of energy work. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas although it has been found in ancient scripts throughout the world.

The belief is held that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, one "physical body" and other "psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical" it is called the "subtle body". This subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass. The psyche or mind plane corresponds to and interacts with the body plane, and the belief holds that the body and the mind mutually affect each other. The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakra.

Is it that far fetched to agree that if we look after our energy and aura we can treat that which is manifesting in the physical?

We are energy. We are made up of cells and atoms. Atoms are the most basic unit of matter and form and an atom is made up of waves of energy. So we are made up of many waves of electrical energy or frequencies – sound, light, colour and vibration. materialised into the physical. 

The theory also applies to the belief that we have 7 chakras (energy vortexes), each of the 7 chakras holds a specific meaning and colour, below, we will talk you through the significance of all the seven chakras, their colours, and the parts of our health and life these chakras tend to work with.

 Rise and resonate

1. Crown Chakra - White or Violet 

The Crown Chakra, known as the Sahasrara Chakra in Sanskrit, is connected with the element of light, and it is associated with several organs and glands within the body, including the brain, the hand, the nervous system and the pituitary gland. Found at the tip of your head. It deals with spiritual awakening, clairvoyance and enlightenment. When this chakra is off-balanced or blocked, it can lead to confusion, ego-driven thought processes, narrow-mindedness, closed-mindedness.

 Rise and resonate

2. Third Eye Chakra - Indigo 

The Brow/Third Eye Chakra, also known as the Ajna Chakra, roughly translates to ‘the centre of knowledge or monitoring’. It is symbolised by the colour indigo and is associated with our sense of thought, our ability to rationalise, use logic and conduct an analysis to reach reasonable conclusions.

This one is located in the middle of your forehead, It deals with psychic development and mental communication. When this chakra is blocked, it can result in overthinking, sinus or eye problems.

 Rise and resonate

3. Throat Chakra - Blue 

Much like the name suggests, the Vishuddhi Chakra or Throat Chakra symbolises our true inner voice, and our ability to communicate with others. It is represented by the colour blue, and it is associated with our abilities to listen, empathise and communicate with others. Found at the throat, and it is the hub of communication and speech. When in tune it helps with speaking your truth, expression and one of the most important, the flow of messages between your heart, to your higher self and conscious mind. When unbalanced, it can lead to loss of your voice, being afraid of public speaking or throat issues.

 Rise and resonate

4. Heart Chakra - green

The Heart Chakra, also known as the Anahata Chakra, is associated with the element of air within the body, and it has the most profound influence on our professional and personal relationships. This can be found between your heart and lungs. It deals with kindness, unconditional love, joy, compassion and our inner-knowing. When blocked, it can result in sadness, lack of self-love, jealousy, as well as lung or upper back issues.

 Rise and resonate

5. Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow 

The Solar Plexus Chakra, known as the Manipura Chakra in Sanskrit, is roughly translated to ‘City of Jewels’ and it is regarded as one of the most powerful chakras that have profound influences on our personal power. The Solar Plexus chakra represents our personal abilities and powers, and it influences both our personal and professional success. This chakra is located above the belly button. It works with self-worth, emotional communication and processing life. When this chakra blocked, it can lead to feeling unworthy, stressed, along with various digestion problems.

 Rise and resonate

6. Sacral Chakra - Orange

The Sacral Chakra, or the Swadhisthana Chakra, is symbolic of the water elements present within the human body. It is represented by the colour orange, which tends to impact our ability to be happy and joyful, compassionate, creative and passionate. It also influences our desires, sexuality and our reproductive functions amongst others. This chakra is found below the belly button, associated with the pelvic area. It deals with passion, relationships and the reproductive system. When this chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to depression, lack of fulfilment, stressful relationships, or menstrual problems. 

 Rise and resonate

7. Root Chakra - Red

In Sanskrit, the Root Chakra is known as the Mooladhara Chakra; this root defines our relationship with Mother Earth. It influences our passion, creativity, youthfulness, vitality and most importantly, our basic survival instincts. The Root Chakra is represented by the colour red, which is also an indication of the need for logic, realistic thinking and order in our lives. This one is at the base of your spine. It deals with basic instincts, feeling safe & secure. When this chakra is blocked, it can result in feeling lost, insecure or anxious, which can manifest as anger, lower back pain and hip problems. I find when this chakra is unbalanced it can off kilt the rest as it's your most basic survival instinct and when we lose this it is hard to see clarity in the rest. 


It is really interesting how 7 vortexes can affect various parts of our lives and how they can manifest both mentally, emotionally, and physically. People look to energy healing work to help balance the chakras whether it be reiki, sound healing, crystal healing, there are so many that all take into consideration looking after more than just the physical. 

I believe we are but a vessel for our spirit. We see through the body into the physical but it is our spirit/soul that leads the way and when our body's aura becomes blocked or unbalanced, this can create physical problems too. 

We have a lot to learn about our spirit, how other energies we bring into our aura/the energy we put out into the world can directly manifest into our physical attitudes, aliments and mindfulness. 

Many empaths will come into contact with other people and literally take on that persons energy feelings or emotions. Many people who are closely bonded with another, be it a twin or a loved one, will feel their presence before they see them, or think of them just before they ring. It is all connected in a way we can not see but is evident it is there. 

We have gotten so caught up in the physical world that we have lost this natural ability to feel and work with the energies around us, something that long ago would have been as essential as our 5 physical senses, and would have truly benefited not only ourselves but helping others. 

What is left is the 'coincidental' feeling of bumping into someone we were just thinking about. 

It all connects back to our intuition, our inner spirit speaking to us and using our intuitive senses to communicate with the world around us. I have a specific blog on this I posted not so long ago. If you are interested in learning more, have a read here.

rise and resonate

We also have our psychic development ritual boxes, which help you connect to your inner spirit and also get used to feeling the energies around you. 

Once you become comfortable with this, you may start to notice how people affect your aura, how situations can cause blockages in your charkas, or if energies are trying to communicate with you. 

This blog is just a tiny snippet of information about chakras and energy work. I could type all night but i'll leave it here. My DMs on Instagram are always open if you want to speak about it more! 

Love & light, Stace x

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