What are your Intuitive Senses?

What are your Intuitive Senses?

We are all born with our 5 physical senses, but some might say that there is a sixth sense, like an inner knowing or a connection to the spiritual realm. It is what we think the likes of card readers, mediums and healers all have, to reach out and communicate with the beyond, but it's not that 'out there', and something we all can develop.

Contrary to popular belief this gift of being able to connect with energies around you is not given to the exclusive few but is a natural ability that lives in all of us.
Some call it gut intuition, divine communication, psychic abilities, or connecting to our inner spirit and guides.

This can be developed through our intuitive senses, and usually fall under 3 categories...

Clairsentience (clear feeling) or Claircognizance (clear knowing) I find these two quite similar.

Clairaudience (clear hearing)

Clairvoyance (clear seeing)

Often you will find mediums communicate in different ways depending on their intuitive gifts they have nurtured as above. Some may hear messages pop into their head, others may have a vision, or a strong feeling. Much like our physical senses, we can have stronger areas, and find we are more open to a particular way of connecting with the energies around us. 

Everyone talks about your intuition and trusting it, but what is it, and how do you use it?

You will often find we naturally use our intuition without realising;

  • That sense that something is not right about a room...
  • The feeling you get about someone even before they speak.
  • The spontaneous answers you were looking for that drops into your head when you least expect it. 
  • Thinking about your friend the moment before they call...
  • The flashes of light out the corner of your eyes.
  • Noises or sounds that come from nowhere when you are asking a question and think you know the answer but need confirmation. (I myself get this! the house creeks when I am on the right track and the thought is in my head haha)

Your intuition is like a channel for energetic forms of communication, whether that be from your own inner spirit (giving you a nudge) or our angels and guides around us.

When we get to know our best form of communication we can then tap into it and understand messages the universe or spirit world may be trying to pass on.

 So why would it benefit us to learn these abilities in the modern western world?

These help us connect closer to our inner spirit and learn abilities to find answers  within. To read a room, to understand peoples true intentions and to protect our own energies. They help us to make clear decisions and focus on our gut instincts not the chatter our mind can build up. They help us to see signs the universe may be giving us, or to allow our spirit guides and angels to guide us.


Below is the breakdown of each ability, and an example of how it might develop!


 rise and resonate 

also known as “Clear Feeling” is the ability to receive psychic impressions through feelings, emotions, or physical sensations.
it’s receiving intuitive information through sensing.
If you get feelings about people, places, situations, or things, you may be a clairsentient psychic!

*for me I feel your clear knowing or (Claircognizance) sits within this sensing.

Examples of Clairsentience 

* Hugging someone and sensing their emotions before they even say a word.

*Picking up an object for instance in an antique shop and sensing a feeling about it, or even a vision or a memory that is not yours.
This can also be the ability - Psychometry.

*Also the same as empaths, sometimes this can mean taking on someone's emotions or physical feeling, meaning you are sensitive to other peoples energies.
For example, coming across a negative attitude and walking away feeling the same.



rise and resonate

Also known as “Clear Hearing”
 is a psychic ability hear internally and how intuitive thoughts from our inner spirit, Spirit Guides, Angels, and departed loved ones can be communicated with us.
This is often how a medium would communicate.

*Sometimes, clairaudient messages can be heard with your “regular hearing”. But remember – those in the Spirit world no longer have a physical body – therefore, don’t need a physical “voice”. This goes the same for clairvoyance.


Examples of Clairaudience

*When random thoughts pop into your head that could have not come from yourself.

*knowing an answer to something you have never learnt.

*Hearing beautiful music from no apparent source.


*Sounds or lyrics come to you to remind you of something or give you a message.

*You might hear sounds, voices, words, from no apparent source.



rise and resonate

Also known as “clear vision”
is the ability in which you receive intuitive information through visions, pictures and symbols.

This “inner seeing” is usually within in the mind’s eye not so much about seeing through the physical eyes.

Examples of Clairvoyance

*Flashing lights - sparks of light often follow spontaneous thoughts like little confirmations that you're on the right track.

*Movements in your peripheral vision when nothing is moving insight.

*Colours surrounding people (meaning you may see Auras)

*Vivid dreams that leave you with answers you had been recently seeking.

*Meditation visions and messages within them.

*faces within objects or pictures that only you can see.

*Mediumship. (Seeing a spirits presence/visions of them)

*Or as obvious as catching sight of a ghost walking by a spooky hallway haha.


I hope this has been insightful for all that wanted to learn more about the intuitive senses! It is a path I have explored and developed for many years and something I don't think should be taboo to talk about. It is a beautiful thing to be able to communicate and explore more than is just in front of us and delve into the spiritual realms! 

And on that note, if you are interested in learning to develop these skills, I have a new product launching this coming week that will be for just that!! so stay tuned! :)

Love & Light, Stace x



Peace and Light! I resonate with all of your blogs! You are so dead on! Anytime that I need to research and dig for information, I come straight to your site! I started the search on what to expect when my clairvoyance gifts be fully awakened, and you gave your tips and points. I’ve went out and changed the lighting in my room and my space seems more at peace…. now I am just a waiting duck for that right timing. Thank you.

rascheita jalloul

You bath meditation 🧘‍♂️ kit is amazing 🤩 received as a birthday present, just browsing your sight and Stacy information on intuition caught my third eye,
Especially about Clairvoyance, I am interested to know what product you are launching, as I really interested, ( as I write this email my Third eye is kicking off, I have butterflies 🦋 also goose bumps lol ) how weird, ❤️ And piece Stewart


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