Seeing Spirit - What to expect when developing your Clairvoyance

Seeing Spirit - What to expect when developing your Clairvoyance

Today's blog is all about seeing spirit and what to expect if you are looking to develop clairvoyance. it's a topic I always say ill delve deeper into and here I am finally getting to it! I might also answer a few questions on what you might expect from my Psychic Development Ritual boxes when you follow you the guide to explore your intuition and spirit within.

I've had a few people ask me about what they might see when they use my Psychic Development Ritual Box, and I've got to say the answer is broad!

This Ritual is aimed at getting in tune with your intuition, and discovering your way of communication, whether that be through Clairsentience (clear feeling), Clairaudience (clear hearing) or Clairvoyance (clear seeing).

If you ask a medium or a spiritual communicator, how they speak or listen to spirit, you will often find their gift is heightened in one or another.
I typically hear vs feel or see, however when you become more in tune with your intuition this can make you more sensitive to the spiritual world in general!


When I receive a message, I sometimes find it accompanied by a flash of light, a creek in the house, or movement out the corner of my eye.
Sometimes when i'm asking for divine guidance or working with angel cards i'll see these flashes sparkle just above my eyesight for a moment, being my confirmation of what i'm thinking/asking.

When I am walking in nature, and trying to connect with spirit, or elementals around me, I see movements in the air like the shimmers of a hot day on our roads. They remind me of when harry potter puts on his invisible cloak and it leaves a wobble of air so you can slightly see it still.

In my meditation developments, I open my eyes in the dark and can sometimes see smoke wisping around me as if the outline of a person would walk past.

These are physical things I see maybe day to day, but there is also another form of clairvoyance and that is through visions. you may get these in dreams, in meditation or just in day-to-day life.


It is said that in dreams you can notice the difference between your normal sleep dreams and a vision by its realness, its message and if it's in colour and you notice the colour whilst in it. I find it handy to always keep a dream journal close in case you have one you think is important to remember as it could be a prophecy for the future that you may not yet understand.

In meditation visions can come in all shapes and sizes, you could see colours and shapes, within your eyes, closed behind the lid, and you can see them in your mind's eye too. you could get faces you've never seen coming into your mind. numbers and symbols, places and memories that don't seem like yours.

In our ritual kits you take time out to clear the mind then focus on letting these visions come to you, don't force anything just let your mind come and go till you are at a still point, and see what comes to you. But again this may not be a vision, it could be a sound, a feeling or a smell. The key is practice!

When you open yourself up to the world of spirit it's truly amazing what you find, sometimes you think you are going mad haha, but most of the time it's truly magical.

I will aim to get another one of these blogs out soon all to do with clairaudience. but in the meantime check out my blog for an overview of all the intuitive senses!

Love and light x

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