Winter Self-care Ritual Guide

Winter Self-care Ritual Guide

As we delve deeper into the darker months, we find ourselves spending more time at home.

With more time to reflect and review the year so far, it's the perfect season to work on our inner peace and lay the foundations for a great new year ahead.
This period of somewhat hibernation can help us set up rituals and self-care routines that will spring us forward from our winter sleep into next years mindset the best we can!
Find Tips & Tricks for a fabulous winter of self-care below!

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Look after your mind 

There are small steps you can take in looking after the mind. Bringing in ritual practices like mindfulness, journaling and expanding your knowledge to the world around you, promotes clarity, humbleness and gratitude. All amazing ways to keep your thoughts 

in good form.

Try these tips!

*Keep a gratitude journal and round up your weekly thoughts.

*Repeat affirmations whilst brushing your teeth in the morning.

*Read books or watch documentaries to inspire your mind, to explore a deeper understanding of the world around us.

*Practice the law of attraction - Our manifesting blessing jars are a great starter kit if you struggle to get into this. We have 3 themes covering Wellbeing, Prosperity & Pregnancy.


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Look after your body

Little things like skincare rituals, or morning exercise routines with wellbeing practices incorporated into them, can help structure our days and improve our physical wellbeing. Looking after your body is key in the trinity of mind, body & soul harmony.

Try these tips!

*Practice morning yoga to stretch your body, loosen up the muscles and centre yourself.

*Ground yourself in nature. Walk outside and get close to nature, touch the trees and feel the connection with the earth, allowing the positive energies to flow through you.

*Create a bath time ritual - great for soothing your body after a hard day. Meditate on washing away the tensions of the day, 

I suggest trying our Relaxation Bath Time Meditation Kits, they are perfect for this.


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Look after your soul

In our busy lives, performing small rituals helps us pause for a moment and reconnect with ourselves. Rituals are extensively known for deepening your spiritual connection. Whether you meditate, pray, manifest, chant or practice gratitude, rituals help you honour forces greater than us.

Try these tips!

*Create a morning visualisation routine - wake up and give yourself a couple of minutes to visualise a candle flame shining in your chest, imagine this is your inner soul. Connect to this daily to remind yourself of your inner force and the universe within.

*Add meditation to your day - even just five minutes can help us reconnect with ourselves, clearing our cluttered minds of all that does not serve us. Meditation is also a great spiritual practice, to connect to our inner spirit and heavenly beings around us. Looking to reconnect with yourself? try our ritual boxes, the Self Care Ritual Box is about bringing overall harmony to the mind, body and soul.

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