Why you should raise a toast to the day of LOVE!

Why you should raise a toast to the day of LOVE!


Happy Valentine's Day all! Whether you love or loath it, today should be a reminder to celebrate the emotion of love. You don't have to be in a relationship to appreciate the effect that love has on us, it can come in all shapes and sizes. From the undivided attention of your pet dog to a sibling's subtle appreciative actions, hidden under layers of sarcasm and attitude. Each can equally touch our hearts and lift our spirits.

This blog is more of a brain dump than anything else, but it's so important not to brand today as a 'cheesy' 'couplely' 'get off my newsfeed' kind of day. I think that we can choose to see Valentine's Day as a day to celebrate love, no matter how it affects our lives.


Love is the powering emotion behind all the positive things that we do, and develops us into the person we are today!
Our love for ourselves brings confidence and acceptance but also teaches us to love others better in return. Our love in passions and hobbies, drive us and inspire us to improve our careers. Our love for our family keeps bonds strong and builds core personality traits like empathy and forgiveness. Our love for pets teach us responsibility and can build us up to cope better with loss and grief. Our love for our partners teaches us to compromise, find balance, create harmonious homes and loyal support systems. And if a relationship has done the opposite to the above, it has indeed taught you what you deserve out of your next relationship and guided you to understand what is love and what is not, so you can make the best choices going forward.

If you have experienced any of the above, you will know what you have gained from it in perspective. Experiencing love in all forms has helped mould us into the person we are today and will continue to do so throughout our lives. So I for one will celebrate what a beautiful emotion it is.

I suggest if you fancy celebrating today, don't just 'cheers' to your partner or your relationships, but to love as a whole. That it may continue to make our lives blossom, along with all the good and the bad, so that we may carry on becoming better versions of ourselves for years to come.

Have a beautiful day all, LOVE & LIGHT 🕯✨💗

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