What is manifesting?

What is manifesting?


Manifesting is all about thinking, speaking and actioning your desires into reality. It's not just one positive thought and 'poof' you've manifested a dream job or partner... it's about owning your goals, believing in them and acting as if you've already achieved them. It's a mindset and a ritual of actions to get you from a feeling/thought to reality/outcome.


You see, we are always manifesting, whether we intend to or not, directing our energies either positively or negatively, shaping the path in front of us.

When we actively choose to focus on positive thoughts and gratitude, we can not only transform your own lives but make powerful impacts on the lives of others.



Think about the saying, 'did you get out on the wrong side of the bed this morning'? When we get out of bed on the wrong side, we are saying that from then on, our mindset is going to have a say on how the rest of our day pans out. If you wake up in a bad mood, no matter what happens that day, you are going to perceive it negatively, and it is this attitude that can curb optimism, opportunities, new thinking, hope...

However, when we choose to wake up on the right side and see the good in every part of the day, the way we think, speak and act follows the same suit. 

It's all about owning your goals, shout out to the universe what you want, and don't let what you call 'setbacks' (I call stepping stones) discourage you. Believe that you are worthy of greatness, and don't stop believing until you reach the goal post! *queue Journey's song*...


Im not saying it has to be all sunshine and rainbows for the rest of your days to manifest a life you love, it's just trusting the process.

Manifesting is great for focusing on a certain part of your life you wish to work on and go from there.

I for one feel the highs and lows of manfiesting, and even when situations may seem like a set back on your journey to what you desire, see them as part of the bigger picture to your end goal. Something im truly resonating with at present and will reveal in a later blog.




Is manifestation a new thing? or spiritual?

Manifesting has been around for thousands of years throughout major religions, like Buddhism, Paganism and Judaism, while the law of attraction, which is often linked to manifestation, was born out of the New Thought movement of the 19th century.

In 2006, self-help book The Secret propelled manifestation to mainstream consciousness, with author Rhonda Byrne claiming that all you have to do is, “ask, believe, and receive.” The Secret has sold over 30 million copies!

Pagans and wiccans use manfiesation in the form of magick and spell work, weving their intentions into a ritual setting, often using the engery of the moon phases to enchance their intentions. 


How do you manifest?

You can manifest using many different techniques, whatever you believe will work. It's making sure you follow the 'thinking, speaking, actioning' into reality mindset, that makes all the difference. But here are a few you can try your hands at..


Ritual work

Immersing yourself in a ritual style setting helps get you in the right frame of mind for manifesting. People that are hands-on/visual learners will appreciate participating in ritualistic techniques to help better visualise their goals being manifested into reality. I'm talking; setting up a sacred space, lighting candles, setting out crystals, burning incense all with symbolic colours, smells and attributes to represent your goal. Be still the energies around you and soak up your sensory experience with guided meditations, journaling or affirmation chanting. Keep a crystal with you afterwards to remind you or your goal and the power of your manifesting.

  • Using our wish jars are great for this. Giving you a step by step guide to the mini manifesting ritual, with 3 themed jars to choose from.
  • Our bath time meditation kits are another ritual style set up for changing your mindset, a great one for manifesting is our gratitude bottle, helping you focus on things you can be thankful for in your life.
  • Our Good Night Wish kit is great for manifesting and making a wish before you go to sleep, creating a dreamy nighttime ritual. 


Following Moon energies

Many cultures and spiritual paths follow the moon's cycles and phases to work with the energies it bares. People believe that particular phases of the moon can enhance different types of manifestation.

  • Full moons are a great time to release unwanted energies, situations or emotions. If you want to manifest a calm mind and remove stresses from your life, here would be the best time to do ritual work and manifest letting go of all that does not serve you.
  • New moons are great for working with the rising energies. Looking to manifest a new job or love? Work with the new moon - waxing moon, each night, to affirm your desires and watch them manifest into reality.


The pillow technique - 

The idea is to write your affirmation/wish down on a piece of paper and place it underneath your pillow before you fall asleep… It helps rewire subconscious thought patterns as you sleep.

  • Allows your last thoughts of the day to be positive. This has a positive effect on your dream state which carries through to the next morning.
  • As you fall asleep you maintain the intention while “letting go” of any resistance that might be interfering with the manifestation of your desire.



Creating vision boards.

Vision boards are great to get your goals visually set out in front of you. Where you take time out to sit and focus on what you want and creatively draft it out on paper. Think scrapbooking, magazine cutouts, collages, great if you're a creative kinda person!

  • Make an evening out of it and get crafty, get some inspirational music going and set out your table full of bits and bobs to work with. Don't forget to hang it somewhere you will see it daily to keep the vision always in your mind.
  • Make a mini version to carry with you! Pop it in your purse or make a digital version for your phone wallpaper.



Ask for divine guidance

If you have done any of the above and are spiritual/believe in a universal power, why not reach out for some divine guidance to help you on your journey. For me having faith that im being assisted along the way is a lovely notion. 

  • Ask the universe/angels/god to send you signs personal to your goal. It may be a certain number in salary you are looking to achieve, ask them to send you that number to let you know you're on the right tracks.
  • Ask angel cards for some good advice on your present goal. Is there any guidance they can offer? I often refer to these when im at a crossroads.
  • Be open to divine inspiration, meditate and allow your higher spirit to give you a message. I like to take some time out to quieten my mind and allow spontaneous thoughts to pop into my head, many times it is the answer I have been looking for!



I hope this has helped explain the world of manifestation a little better, and why I believe its such a beautiful tool to have. Not only for achieving goals but for resetting our mindset and seeing the good in all aspects of our journey. 

We have the power to steer our own destiny and manifesting can be a great help in this :)



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