Welcome to Ritual Awakening!

Welcome to Ritual Awakening!

Welcome to Ritual Awakening,
This dream has been a long time in the making, and I am so excited to be finally launching the brand.
If you have ever followed my social media account, you will know my passion for wellbeing, self-care and spirituality has been long embedded in my heart, and I have always tried to share my tips and tricks with you all on these subjects.
But as i know well myself, experience is much more powerful than reading about it.

This is why I've created my very own ritual kits, dedicated to bringing you the tools and guides I wish I had when I began meditating or wanting to manifest goals.

We all have daily rituals we hold dear in our lives, like that first cup of tea before work or winding down with a book before bed, so why can't other self-care or spiritual practices become ritual too? Anything in itself can be made into a ritual if you set the intention with it and be present in the moment when you practice.
So this is exactly what I've set out to make, Starter kits that can be woven into your daily rituals from bath time meditations to tailored blessing jars, each individually crafted with love, light and intention.

ritual awakening

See them as the first step into a regular practice you wish to start.
Using your usual bath routine to meditate can be a great time to focus on you! Away from the stresses of the day, perfect for connecting to your higher self and finding inner peace.
Using the blessing jar gives you a visual and symbolic way to set your intentions and to begin manifesting your goals through the laws of attraction.

Being a visual/ hands-on learner, I always found my practice in a ritual setting much more immersive and rewarding. Through this method, I could begin to incorporate them into my daily life.

ritual awakening

This whole brand was born from my love of meditation, spirituality and finding that peace and positive mindset within, something we need more than ever these days. All I've ever wanted was to share its benefits with the world and this is just my way of taking it the next level for you guys.
Stay tuned for more blogs coming weekly on tips guides and lots LOTS more,
Love & Light x

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