NEW PRODUCT ALERT! Crystal Collection | Chakra Ritual Kit

NEW PRODUCT ALERT! Crystal Collection | Chakra Ritual Kit

rise and resonate crystal kit

I am so excited to be launching my next product for you lovely people. This newbie has been highly requested over on our social channels, therefore you have all manifested it into reality! 


People wanted a crystal starter kit, but I have taken this one step further, in the theme of a ritual kit! 

This new box is the perfect all-rounder collection of crystals, whether it be a starter kit or adding to your inventory! Each stone is carefully selected to work alongside each of your Chakras and will help towards unblocking and balancing them through our guided meditation provided in this ritual. You will work on cleansing and connecting with each of your crystals then follow a Chakra balancing meditation, with the aim to leave you feeling blissfully content and at peace within.


A lot of the time we can buy crystals and not really connect and work with them once we have got them home, so I wanted to create a ritual that would give you a step by step guide on cleansing your crystals, then take the time to connect with them and use them to your advantage by following a guided meditation on balancing your chakras. 

rise and resonate crystal kit

This box is perfect to use over and over again, whenever you need a lift or want to unblock/balance a chakra (For more info on chakra check out my chakra blog). A lot of the crystals have a unique spin on the usual go-to's when picking a stone to match each chakra, and some are absolute staples. But they are all picked with the aim to be as diverse as possible, meaning you get the best out of each to be used across many crystals energy work, from manifesting to feng shui to healing.

The crystals are - 

Tourmalated Quartz - to resonate with the Crown Chakra

Amethyst - to resonate with the Third Eye Chakra

Lapis Lazuli - to resonate with the Throat Chakra

Aura Rose Quartz - to resonate with the Heart Chakra

Citrine - to resonate with the Solar Plexus Chakra

Red Jasper - to resonate with the Sacral Chakra

Hematite - to resonate with the Root Chakra

I will be shortly posting a more in-depth blog of the crystals inside this box so you can find out a little more about what they do and how they can work with different parts of your life.


The kit also includes

  • A scan card to the Rise And Resonate meditation playlist
  • Selenite crystal charging slab, perfect for charging your crystals
  • 20 Patchouli incense sticks for cleansing and creating a peaceful atmosphere whilst meditating
  • The beautiful charka incense box to hold all your crystals and burn your sticks!


I have enjoyed making this kit so much, especially creating the bespoke ritual guide within, giving you all the tools you need to really make the most of your new crystal family members! 

As with all my kits, I can't take all the credit I do genuinely feel divinely inspired when I write these and know that my helpers in spirit are guiding me to pass on these beautiful creations to you all, so once again I am forever grateful and so excited to share with you all!

Any questions feel free to drop me a message in my contact section on the site or why not follow us on social media where we post daily content on all things spirituality, crystals and wellbeing!

Love & Light, Stace x

rise and resonate crystal kit

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