My Spiritual path

My Spiritual path

So I started writing this to work on my crystal blog (which will now be next week haha), but the below was another one of those lovely moments where the writing takes me and I let the words come. So what was an introduction to my world of crystals turned into some words of wisdom for you all this Sunday, and a little insight into my spiritual journey. Ive been getting all the angel numbers, signs and prompts at the moment to write so here we are, you can thank my guides just as much as me for this blog :) enjoy...

Spirituality has had a place in my heart since I was a child. I was lucky enough to have a mother interested in both Spirituality and Christianity but also delving into the world of new age healing and crystal work. As a child, I attended Sunday school in church but as I grew older, past the age of 10, I became more aware of the cultures and different beliefs around me. I didn't so much question Christianity but my eyes were opened to a bigger picture, and so I wasn't precious to one understanding.

Around the age of 12, my mother started attending mind body and spirit festivals in Liverpool, and it was here I first got to know crystals and all things 'New Age'. Coming from a Christian background my mum always resonates with the idea that Jesus was a healer, but was less 'above us' and more within us. A belief that we all possess the healing powers within to change and heal our world around us just like he did.
The idea that Jesus was one of many healing people throughout time that chose to look within to find peace, then use that peace to heal others. From Gurus to budda, to profits, to modern-day energy healers and spiritual people today.

When I say look within I mean to find your inner spirit, your connection to the universe, your belief in a higher presence, and find comfort and peace in faith. Not letting the outside world bring you down because you know within all will be well. 'To find calm amongst the chaos' if you will.
I believe, those people above, truly connected to 'god' 'goddess' 'i am' 'mother earth' 'the universe' 'higher consciousness 'the great spirit' in order to ascend above the physical struggles their ages faced, and bring peace mentally and physically to the people around them.

This is something I now resonate with after walking many paths. For a long time growing up, it was about the magic and mystery and less about connecting and healing yourself. I have always had an interest in spirituality, not so much religion. But as I grew older I truly enjoyed researching religion and culture as I believed they are all different songs of the same truth. We are all one, connected. Different in cultures and walks of life but the same in core values and beliefs. We believe deep down it is wrong to harm another, we feel joy in making others happy, we find comfort in the hope there may be a higher purpose to this life we live. We all strive to be better versions of ourselves. Something you will find in unity across religions and cultures.

The journey of the soul really is a lifetime, and no matter what path you walk I believe it's worth every step. If I can offer any advice it's to never stop learning, discovering, exploring, not just physically but spiritually, question everything, exclude nothing.

Over the course of 30 years I have blindly followed Christianity, materialistically followed new-age pagan and Wiccan paths and egotistically followed spiritualist gatherings. It's been a long road and by far a long road to go! but I have learnt so much about myself and my values, how they change as you mature.
Yes, I will be influenced by religious traditions.
Yes, I still love a shiny new crystal, and yes of course I will show it off.
Yes, I will battle with my ego probably for a lifetime.
But we are human, and our journey is one of self-discovery, to learn, to fall, to get back up again. To come to the golden years of life and see how far we've come. And you don't come far if you chose to sit on the start line for the sake of avoiding bumpy rides along the way.

Spirituality doesn't have to be a 'daunting' 'awakening' it can be an adventure of a lifetime! Read, watch, travel, but most importantly experience. And finally, my *personal advice, do not take one path as law, I truly believe all paths are interconnected and being a spiritual mongrel has been one of my biggest achievements so far haha, and I cant wait to see where the path takes me next.


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