How to create a sacred space within your home.

How to create a sacred space within your home.

Creating a sacred space within your home

When you think of the word sacred, what comes to mind? You may think of a temple, church or mosque. The word itself describes something that is dedicated or set apart for the service or worship, but this does not just have to be about spirituality or religion. It can be about something that is sacred to you!. 

You can create a sacred space within your own home, with the aim to connect you to the Divine or to what is most meaningful in your life, such as inner peace, calm and contentment. 


What is a sacred space?

Making a sacred space is a must have for me as it is a place free from the distractions of day to day life and dedicated to focusing on inner peace or things that bring you contentment. It is a space beneficial to ritual, meditation, or quiet contemplation.

It can be a room or part of a room, that you can set up and create a calming and welcoming environment.


What do I need a sacred space for?

When creating sacred space for the first time, it’s useful to get an idea of your purpose. Do you want to...

  • Create a place for prayer/meditation? 
  • Find respite from the stresses of day to day life and some time alone. 
  • To do manifesting and ritual work. 
  • To practice a calming hobby or craft. 

All this will tailor how you create your space, whether it be needing an entire room, quiet place, comfy seating or accessories.



6 top suggestions to create your space

This space can be as simple as a quiet area with a seat, or a room with dedicated items and tools. However here are some basics I like to including when setting up a space dedicated to working on my wellbeing, whether I am meditating or catching up on a good read.

  • Pick a quiet room. - having a space that is calm and quiet helps to create a welcoming place, free from distractions.


  • Use candles or soft lighting. - Setting the mood of your room with gentle lighting is great to relax the mind especially if you have been staring at screens all day. but if you're looking to use your space as a crafting or hobby area, maybe try some warm tone lights vs cool and bright!


  • Add crystals to raise the energies. - Crystals are great for raising the vibrations and creating a calming atmosphere. Try adding selenite to your room to promote welcoming energy.


  • Burn sage to cleanse your space. - Get in the zone when you are in your sacred space by clearing away any unwanted negative vibes. burning sage is a great way to do this and a great ritual to get you in the right headspace. Check out our Energy Cleansing Home Ritual Kits to give your space the works!


  • Invoke the senses with scents. - Enhance your self-care time with some incense sticks or cones, different scent can invoke different things, try googling the meaning of a particular scent you like or one what works well for relaxation time. If you are looking to meditate or work with crystals, our Crystal Chakra Ritual Kit comes with 20 patchouli incense sticks, perfect for connecting to your inner spirit and working with the crown chakra. 


  • Find a peaceful music playlist. - some people prefer to sit in silence, but if you are looking for something to add to your space experience I suggest some meditation/relaxation music! 


Our Self-care Ritual Boxes come with lots of the above to help fill your space with good vibes, calmness and relaxation, including a scan card to our rise and resonate meditation playlist, sage to cleanse the area, crystals to raise the energies and candles to set the mood!

Learn more here.




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