How to add rituals to your routine

How to add rituals to your routine

If you haven't already noticed by now, we sell Ritual Kits, but for some, that may still be confusing. What is a ritual? or a ritual kit, for that matter?

It's a word we all know quite well, but usually associated with the likes of religious or spiritual ceremonies, not something you would practice in your kitchen!

But this is where you are missing a trick! Rituals can be so mindfully/spiritually/physically enhancing to our lives and you don't have to be an enlightened guru to apply them to your daily routines...


How to add rituals to your routine RITUAL AWAKENING

So...What is a ritual?

In simple terms - A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a sequestered place and according to a set sequence.

When I set out on this journey I wanted to share with you all the practices I used to help manifest my intentions, connect to my soul and calm my mind. The main way I learnt and grew in my self-care/spiritual practices was by immersing myself in a 'ritual' style setting and following a physical set of sequences to achieve a certain mindset, outcome, or connection with my higher self/spirit. 

People practice rituals to achieve many desired outcomes, from manifesting goals to reducing anxiety, in a more meaningful act than a simple routine like brushing your teeth or washing your hair. Rituals are an expression of what matters to you by putting those values into practice. 

Think of a ritual as a way of incorporating dedicated time into your day to work on your wellbeing. Or time where you quiet outside issues around you and focus your mind on inner work. 

Rituals bring comfort, contentment and deepen the connection with our soul. 


How to add rituals to your routine RITUAL AWAKENING

Benefits of practising rituals

1.Rituals deepen emotional, spiritual connections.

In our busy lives, performing small rituals helps us pause for a moment and reconnect with ourselves. Rituals are extensively known for deepening your spiritual connection. Whether you meditate, pray, manifest, chant or practice gratitude, rituals help you honour forces greater than us.


2. Creates Structure

In times like now, where many of us are lacking structure, this can often leave our lives and minds unorganised. But little things like self-care rituals, or morning routines with wellbeing practices incorporated into them, can help structure our days and improve our mental wellbeing.


3. Can reduce stress and promotes relaxation

There will always be situations in our lives that are out of our control, and we can accept that. However, there is so much that we can control, like how to look after our wellbeing on the inside. The act of ‘doing’ gives us a sense of control and helps us relax instead of worrying about the world around us. Rituals help us focus on our inner peace as a priority.


How to add rituals to your routine RITUAL AWAKENING

How can you do it?

The best rituals are acts that are most meaningful to you.

What do you want out of them? To set your day up? To connect to spirit? 

To attract abundance? or to switch off from the stresses of the day?

Consider the evening routine, how do you want to end your day?

An example would be...

'I would like to go to bed with a clear mind, in a calm relaxed state, feeling safe within my home'.


Currently you -  lock up, switch the lights off in the house, you brush your teeth, you get into bed, you play on your phone, then you go to sleep.


As part of an evening ritual, you could - lock up, visualising the locks turning, and securing with a sparkling white light surrounding the house.

You turn off the lights, saying good night to the energies around you asking for calmness and peace for each room as you go. You put your phone straight into night mode and spritz your pillow with lavender spray.

You brush your teeth and get into bed with a book. Before you go to sleep, you repeat affirmations or meditate to set your intentions for a good nights sleep and a great tomorrow. 

These small steps take your nighttime from 'routine' to 'ritual' level and connect to you on a deeper level, promoting wellbeing and contentment within.


This is just a SMALL example of how we can bring intention into our lives and routines, where even the little things can create a positive impact on our mindset.



How to add rituals to your routine RITUAL AWAKENING

Below ive listed more ways in which you can add little rituals into your day...


  1. Stir your intentions into your morning brew, visualise as you stir, what you want to achieve for the day mixing into the liquid like a magic potion, as you drink, give thanks for them coming true.
  2. Give thanks and gratitude before you eat a meal.
  3. Repeat affirmations whilst brushing your teeth in the morning.
  4. Practice morning yoga to stretch your body and centre yourself.
  5. Ground yourself in nature. Walk outside in your garden or park, then remove your shoes to feel the connection with the earth below, allow the positive energies to flow through you.
  6. Create a bath time ritual - meditate on washing away the stresses of the day, I suggest trying our Relaxation Bath Time Meditation Kits, they are perfect for this.
  7. Add meditation to your day, even just five minutes can help us reconnect with ourselves, clearing our cluttered minds of all that does not serve us. Meditation is also a great spiritual practice, to connect to our inner spirit and heavenly beings around us.
  8. Create family rituals, involve kids in learning affirmations to build confidence and courage. Meditate with them to help them focus.
  9. Read books to inspire your mind, to explore a deeper understanding of the world around us.
  10. Manifesting - take time out to work on manifesting your goals. Visualise your desires and light a candle to confirm your wishes. Our manifesting blessing jars are a great starter kit if you struggle to get into this. We have 3 themes covering Wellbeing, Prosperity & Pregnancy.


Our Ritual Kits a great starter or addition to your path of ritual work. With guided meditations and manifesting jars that give structured mini rituals in a bottle. Great for visual and hands-on learners, they offer a step by step practice that anyone can try their hand at.


I hope this has helped give some insight into the benefits of ritual work and how you can try them out for yourselves. My messages are always open on social media if you have any more questions on the subject. 


Love & Light, Stacey x

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