Energy Cleansing Home Ritual Kit

Energy Cleansing Home Ritual Kit

energy cleansing home ritual kit rise and resonate

Give your home and sacred space the uplift it deserves with an energy cleansing ritual. Remove stagnant, unwanted negative energies and leave your home feeling revitalised.

Sometimes we can feel like our homes need a good spring clean, physically and energetically! 
Do you ever feel like your space is stagnant or that the mood is low? A great way to lift this is to do an energy cleanse. The act of physically cleaning a room can make such a difference to how you feel being in it, and the same goes for the energy that can build up within it.
Often after arguments, or people entering with bad moods, you may feel that vibe has been left behind, doing regular energy cleanses can help keep your vibes high and inviting.

And we have just the ritual kit for this! 
Our Energy Cleansing Home Ritual Kit includes a step by step guide to removing unwanted negative vibrations from your space or home! Plus some magical goodies you can use over and over again, whenever you feel the need to give your space a boost!

energy cleansing home ritual kit rise and resonate

Floral White Sage Smudging Stick

Sage is a purifying herb that cleanses the aura and home. It removes negative energies whilst also clearing bacteria in the air.


Selenite Slab

Selenite is a very peaceful crystal that can clear away stagnant energy whilst creating a calming environment. This stone is all about purification and has the ability to cleanse other crystals.


Hematite Crystals & Salt

The Hematite crystal grounds and protects us and can absorb any toxic emotions. Salt is used to protect a home from negative energies entering.


It can make the perfect housewarming present or be a great addition to your own house spring cleaning ritual! The cleansing kit can be used multiple times whenever you feel the need to re-cleanse your space.


Shop our ritual kits here

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