Crystals - How do they work and how do you use them?

Crystals - How do they work and how do you use them?

The past couple of years has seen a BOOM in crystal purchasing and interest, the world is exploring new ways of thinking and becoming more open-minded to new age spiritual path!
it's about time crystals became mainstream, they are bloody beautiful and bring all of the good energies... but when you pick up a pretty crystal quartz necklace from your fav online retailer, do you ever think about what these crystals have to offer, and the fact they have beneficial uses?!?

Crystals can store, receive and emit energies, not to mention they are key ingredients for a lot of our technologies today! From radios & watches to computer and phones, to even cars. They are used to focus, stabilise and concentrate energy! These bad boys are not to be dismissed!
Now, we as humans are constantly emitting energies and signals through our thoughts, so imagine what these Crystals can do for us. For instance, the clear quartz that is used to amplify and stabilise energies in technology such as the radio can have the same effect on you, by having this crystal on yourself it can intensify and stabilise the frequencies that you are emitting.

So if you are aiming towards a more positive life, having this stone on you will help personify that! 

Here are 7 top uses for incorporating them into your life, there has been so much research put into these little power packs, they have been used in ancient energy healing and Feng shui for 1000s of years!
And with each one harnessing their own unique kind of magic, why wouldn't you want them hanging around!


1. crystal healing - Crystal healing involves using certain stones to target specific problem areas, they can be used alongside Reiki, for instance, Moss Agate is an anti-inflammatory stone. It works with your circulatory system encouraging your body to eliminate impurities.


2. Creating Feng shui in your house - Placing a certain crystal in a specific area of your house can help to balance energies such as rose quartz in your bedroom, promotes loving, calming energy or smoky quartz at your door to block out negative energies.


3. Wearing them for unique quality enhancements - wearing crystals as jewellery around certain body areas can be highly beneficial, when wearing a Blue Lace Agate necklace, as its a throat chakra stone, helps promote clarity of speech, assists those who fear to speak in public or sharing thoughts and ideas with strangers. It is a great stone for those who communicate for a living.


4. To balance your chakras - on my next post I will do a run-through of your top crystal must-haves to work through the chakras and balance them out!


5. For protection - When I talk about how everything is connected, and that other energies can in turn affect yours, protecting yourself from unwanted energies with crystals is another great way to do so. Leaving Obsidian at your front door can help stop anything bad entering your house, whilst wearing it can deter energies from entering "your bin lid" haha as us scouses say, or auras for some haha.


6. To help with meditation - having clear quartz or apophyllite in the room whilst meding can help you focus your energies and intentions as clear quartz is an energy amplifier, and also connected to your highest charka & to the divine source and apophyllite helps calm and clear mental blockages.


7. To cleanse water - this is a simple one really! fancy a bath? (take a look at my bath time meditation kits packed with crystals for the bath!) need a good scrub from a heavy day? Bathing with crystals is a ritual in many cultures! Amethyst is a great unblocker of chakras (always check what stones do well in water and which to avoid!)


So there you have it, plenty of reasons to add crystals to your must have list...Even the great Tesla was an advocate for these little gems. Quoting from him “In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” and “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” We live a life surrounded by energies, frequencies and vibrations, the world is made of vibrations, as are crystals, as are people, interestingly though, because we do not see this, often it is forgotten.
Our thoughts are a form of energy that can be given a direction and crystals are brilliant tools in helping us manifest the thoughts and energies we desire.
I just love em, big ones, small ones, some as big as your head haha!.

I hope this has helped give you a little insight into how crystals are used and have been throughout time! I suggest if you want to look more into it to get yourself a crystal bible haha! it is my go-to book for researching each crystal and can be easily found on amazon :)

Love & Light <3


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