Crystal Collection Must Haves

Crystal Collection Must Haves

I have a saying you can 'never have too many crystals!' but I understand when first starting out people want to find some go-to gems that they get to know! A great place to start is to find yourself a set of crystals according to the chakra system. Chakras are energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. I'll go into more details on these in a later blog, but for now, getting yourself some crystals that correspond with each chakra point in the body will help us look after our mind body and spirit as a whole.

Now, you could write into google "top crystals to start your collection" and I can guarantee you'll find the same sorta bunch, ones you've most probably heard of like rose quartz and clear quartz, so this list is a little tweak on the usual go-to's when picking your first crystals according to the charka system! 

These crystals came to me when I was meditating on this blog subject and prompted that I include them! divinely-inspired if you will!


rise and resonate

Clear Quartz - 

I really wanted to keep this crystal in even though it's a staple most people have heard of, because it is a no brainer when it comes to needing it in your collection. This master healer stone will work alongside any other crystal to help amplify and power your purpose for using it. This stone really is a do it all'er and can be substituted for any other crystal where needed, whether you are working on a chakra, seeking spiritual insight or healing. - Get it in ya basket!

This stone can also be found in all of our bath time meditation kits and our make a wish blessing jars!


rise and resonate

Tourmalated Quartz -

The combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline creates a powerful ally in one’s spiritual growth. While the Quartz can be an aid to those on the spiritual path, the Black Tourmaline can help keep one well-grounded. Creating a well-rounded combo for anyone wanting to delve deeper into the spiritual realms and open up the crown chakra whilst also keeping you protected.

  • Meditate with this crystal when looking to connect with the divine source whilst keeping your aura protected. Roll the crystal in a figure of 8 motion in your palms, to symbolise your infinite connection to the universe and to raise the energies around you.


rise and resonate

Amethyst - 

 Another staple but definitely a must-have! Known as one of the master crystals when it comes to spirituality. It is the perfect crystal for opening up your third eye chakra and connecting with your intuition. Work with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life. 

- Meditate with this crystal to gain more spiritual insight and to receive messages from your guides. Hold it to your third eye and allow the energies to clear any blockages connecting to your psychic sight.

This stone can be found in our relaxation bath time meditation kit and our wellbeing make a wish blessing jar.


rise and resonate

Apatite -

Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, promoting independence and ambitiousness. A stone of the throat chakra, Blue Apatite helps with public speaking and enhances group communication. It enhances creativity and brings knowledge to those attuned to it.

- Meditate with this crystal when you a lost for words or looking to find clarity within the mind. Hold the stone to find the courage within to speak your truth and let what you feel flow freely.


rise and resonate

Rose Aura Quartz - 

This stone can provide playful energies that will fill your heart with joy and love. It will also help you in achieving what you want in your life through a loving and positive mindset. 

This stone will encourage your heart to be open-minded and create an aura of positive impression on the people who surround you. 

This is a gentle stone that nurtures self-love and acceptance whilst helping to unblock the heart chakra.

- Meditate with this crystal when you are lacking in self-confidence or need a boost of self-love. Repeat affirmations of self-worth and gratitude whilst doing so.

This stone can also be found in our self-care ritual boxes!


rise and resonate

Golden Healer -

The Golden Healer is a powerful healing crystal as it allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra. It’s considered a multi-purpose crystal because of its many uses and benefits. It contains the magnifying properties of the Clear Quartz and the benefits of healing change.

The golden hue of Golden Healer Quartz is because of the iron oxide trapped inside the crystal. This crystal is great for activating, stimulating, and balancing your solar plexus chakra.

- Meditate with this crystal alongside other crystals for specific healing sessions or to encourage creativity and empowerment in your life.


rise and resonate

Fire Agate -

Fire Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, it is a stone of integrity, encouraging high standards of behaviour in self and others, and promotes passion in love and life. It awakens the lower chakras and lights one’s inner fires of Life Force, creativity, sexuality and will. The gold and orange shades of Fire Agate identify with the Sacral Chakra.

- Meditate with this crystal in your palms resting in your lap or place the stone just below your navel. Allow the firey energies to blend with your lower abdomen area to help unblock the sacral chakra.


rise and resonate

Jasper bloodstone -

Bloodstone is a stone of courage and wisdom, Bloodstone grounds and protects the soul on many levels, heightening intuition, dispelling mental confusion, and keeping out negativity from your aura or space. This stone is particularly stimulating to the Base and Heart Chakras.

- Meditate with this crystal to find a renewed sense of confidence and inner strength. Holding bloodstones when on walks can help deepen our connection with the land around us, connect with nature and ground us.


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