Crystal Chakra Ritual kit - Stone Healing Properties

Crystal Chakra Ritual kit - Stone Healing Properties

Want to learn more about each of the stones in this kit? 

Thinking about buying this kit but want more info? or already purchased but want to learn more, this blog is for you! 

Below is the breakdown of each crystal included in the 'crystal must-haves charka ritual kit' and different ways how you can use each one plus its healing properties!

you can shop the kit here.

rise and resonate

Tourmalated Quartz -

The combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline creates a powerful ally in one’s spiritual growth. While the Quartz can be an aid to those on the spiritual path, the Black Tourmaline can help keep one well-grounded. Creating a well-rounded combo for anyone wanting to delve deeper into the spiritual realms and open up the crown chakra whilst also keeping you protected. I love clear quartz and have it everywhere around my house to amplify other crystals energies, but if you are looking for a clear quartz combo winner, the added tourmaline just connects so well when working with your crown chakra, and adds that's an extra bit of protection from negative energies.

  • Meditate with this crystal when looking to connect with the divine source whilst keeping your aura protected. Roll the crystal in a figure of 8 motion in your palms, to symbolise your infinite connection to the universe and to raise the energies around you.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • strength to the skeletal system
  • different kinds of body pains
  • realign the spinal column
  •  stimulate the immune system
  • balance to the body
  • circulatory disorders
  • remove the toxins in the body
  • Clears EMF's
  • As a master healer can help many ailments


rise and resonate

Amethyst - 

 Another staple but definitely a must-have! Known as one of the master crystals when it comes to spirituality. It is the perfect crystal for opening up your third eye chakra and connecting with your intuition. Work with the Amethyst crystal healing properties to bring more peace, relaxation, and spiritual awareness into your life. I love to wear this stone when I am doing spiritual work as it helps me connect with the energies around me and keep my third eye open to communication.

- Meditate with this crystal to gain more spiritual insight and to receive messages from your guides. Hold it to your third eye and allow the energies to clear any blockages connecting to your psychic sight.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • relieves stress and strain
  • balances mood swings
  • dispels fear and anxiety
  • enhancing the immune system
  • improving endocrine function
  • reducing headaches
  • regulating hormones
  • deeper/better sleep


rise and resonate

Lapis Lazuli -

(or Sodalite - details to be added)

Lapis Lazuli encourages self-awareness and taking charge of your own life. It helps us express ourselves safely and empowering without holding back, and brings the qualities of honesty, compassion, and integrity to the wearer. A stone of the throat chakra, Lapis Lazuli helps you to be able to express your own opinions and harmonises conflicts. This stone gives me such a calm mind when I hold it, it takes away all the clutter in my head and allows me to speak clearly without judgment or interference. I also find it helps me to connect to my guides as it removes the busy day to day chatter in my head!

- Meditate with this crystal when looking for a way to creatively express yourself, find clarity within the mind and seek answers you have been looking for. 

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • alleviate pain - especially in the head and neck areas
  •  balances blood pressure
  •  respiratory and nervous systems
  •  support the thyroid, larynx, and throat
  • vertigo 
  • insomnia
  • inflammatory diseases

rise and resonate

Rose Aura Quartz - 

(or Rose Quartz - details to be added)

This stone can provide playful energies that will fill your heart with joy and love. It will also help you in achieving what you want in your life through a loving and positive mindset. 

This stone will encourage your heart to be open-minded and create an aura of positive impression on the people who surround you. 

This is a gentle stone that nurtures self-love and acceptance whilst helping to unblock the heart chakra

It's such a soothing stone and so pretty to look at, calming and a great stone for children!

- Meditate with this crystal when you are lacking in self-confidence or need a boost of self-love. Repeat affirmations of self-worth and gratitude whilst doing so.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • ease the onset of puberty in girls
  •  emotional and multidimensional healing
  •  immune system
  • bring your body to balance
  • body dysmorphia issues
  • energy systems
  • heart

rise and resonate

Citrine - 

This joyful stone is vibrating with abundance and optimism, Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. Connected to the Solar Plexus chakra it imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. 

It is the perfect stone to have a large lump in the home or the office to help support and encourage positive energy and a sunny outlook. I honestly love this crystal and place it by my desk to keep me abundant in creative ideas and positivity!

- Meditate with this crystal when you are lacking in optimism or feeling low. Hold this crystal and repeat affirmations of self-worth and ask for its energies to fill your aura with golden sunshine vibrations.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • the digestive system
  •  metabolism in general
  • skin irritations
  • food or chemical intolerances
  • enhances physical stamina and energy

rise and resonate

Red Jasper - 

This firey stone is associated with the lower chakras and can work with the sacral chakra for amplifying goals, desires and empower you! or it can work with the root chakra for grounding and protection. This is the perfect combo crystal to give you the courage to step out of your comfort zone whilst still being protected and grounded within.

It balances Yin and Yang forces within the etheric body, ensuring no feminine or masculine energy dominance. If your love life has felt stagnant or routine, Red Jasper will help arouse desire and to add an extra spark. It helps you find your divine fire within and feel empowered as a creative soul. (red jasper is a no brainer for your collection!)

- Meditating with this crystal will give you the strength to go after your goals and desires, visualise them in your mind's eye as you hold this stone, repeat this visualisation daily as part of a manifestation ritual.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • electromagnetic smog and pollution
  • blood circulatory system
  • heal sexual issues
  • food or chemical intolerances
  • enhances physical stamina and energy
  • increase sexual vitality and fertility

rise and resonate

Hematite - 

Hematite is a fabulous grounding stone and perfect for your root chakra. It strengthens our connection to mother earth, making us feel safe and secure. This stone absorbs negative energy and prevents you from taking on the negativity of others. This makes it a great stone for empaths and people sensitive to others moods or emotions. Hematite can draw out deep-rooted traumas, great for shadow work and will help you recognize your current mental state. I like to take the crystal into my garden and sit barefoot on my grass, helping me to feel connected to the earth below, especially when I feel uprooted, disconnected or upset with worldly issues. 

- Meditate with this crystal when you are feeling unsettled or even homesick, this crystal's grounding properties help soothe anxiety, promote inner calmness and help you feel connected to the land you are on.

physical healing associations/aids - 

  • regulates the blood supply
  • aiding blood conditions such as anaemia
  • leg cramps
  • absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells
  • high blood pressure
  • heavy periods
  • any blood aliments


The Selenite slab -

Keep your stones charged and ready for use with our Selenite slab.

Unlike other crystals, Selenite doesn't need to be charged and will amplify the energy of all crystals set upon it. Combine it with other crystals to amplify the desired intention. Keep your crystals in your incense box along with the selenite ready for next use. Use your incense to cleanse when needed.

rise and resonate crystal ritual kit

The kit also includes

  • A scan card to the Rise And Resonate meditation playlist
  • 20 Patchouli incense sticks for cleansing and creating a peaceful atmosphere whilst meditating
  • The beautiful charka incense box to hold all your crystals and burn your sticks!


Shop the collection now!

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