An introduction to meditation 🧘‍♀️

An introduction to meditation 🧘‍♀️

Meditation is the practice of stilling the mind and finding a calm state of being amongst the daily noise of life. It can be different for everyone as there is no right or wrong way to meditate, only that we use the time to come away feeling calm and refreshed.


Different types of meditation include...

  • mindfulness meditation.
  • spiritual meditation.
  • focused meditation.
  • movement meditation.
  • mantra meditation.
  • transcendental meditation.
  • Seraphic meditation.


Who can do it?

You don't have to be a spiritual guru to practice the above, absolutely anyone can try their hand at incorporating meditation into their lives. It has brought me more peace of mind and contentment in life, especially during stressful periods. Taking time out to focus your mental wellbeing can help realign your thoughts and better equip you for life's daily challenges.


Why do it?

Meditation can be used in all aspects of life; to calm anxiety/stress or bring focus and clarity when our minds get cluttered. To connect with your higher self, to visualise yourself at one with the universe or simply find a place of inner peace.

All of the above are but a snippet of what you can explore when you begin to meditate, but regardless of a path you choose, meditation has so many benefits to us, physically and mentally.

  • reduces stress
  • controls anxiety 
  • promotes emotional health
  • enhances self-awareness
  • lengthens attention span
  • may reduce age-related memory loss
  • can generate kindness
  • may help fight addictions
  • improves sleep
  • helps control pain
  • can decrease blood pressure

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Meditation is an amazing tool to help you physically, mentally or spiritually, no matter how you do it, you are helping yourself for the better.

Apps like Calm and Headspace are a great tool to begin small and learn the technique, meditation takes practice but its benefits on wellbeing can be transformative.


How do I do it?

You can literally do it anywhere, its just a case of finding a quiet space and setting some time aside to focus, even just five minutes.

Simply close your eyes, slow your breath and begin to clear your thoughts before you start a guided meditation or practice your own. Our bath time meditation kits have a great guided meditation to incorporate into your bath time wind down.

Making meditation a daily ritual will help you get into the routine of a more positive flow of life and greatly benefit the way you think, speak and react to stressful situations.


Struggling to meditate? 

I have some visualisation practices that will help you calm the mind and imagine things better within your mind's eye.

This is a great way to begin your path of meditation. Here, we learn to control the conscious mind before eventually allowing ourselves to become completely still and free from thought. It is in these moments we can find peace within and connect with our higher self/spirit.

Visualising familiar places helps you to become more aware of your mind's eye. It is a great stepping stone to successfully following a visualisation or guided meditation that do not show you places you are used to imagining.

I will leave you with a little visualisation technique to help you get used to the practice; this has to be with closed eyes in a comfortable, quiet place.


1. Close your eyes and slow your breathing. Breathe in from your stomach for five and exhale for five.

2. Visualise for every inhale and exhale, releasing the tension from a body part, starting from your head to your toes. 

Once you have fully let go of any extra tightness, you can now begin.

Imagine yourself outside your house, look at the door, what colour is it? What material is it made out of? Notice the door handles features.

Now reach into your pocket to find your keys to unlock the door.

What is the first thing you notice inside? Wait for someone to greet you... does a dog run to your feet? Or someone you've wished to talk with? 

If you could speak to anyone in the comfort of your own home, who would it be, and what would you say to them? Use this time to let your conversation flow.

Sometimes I use this visualisation to speak to past loved ones or someone in the present, at this moment, let your inner spirit speak its truth.



Looking for more meditations? 

my bath time meditation kits have themed guided meditations, perfect to incorporate into your bath time wind down.


Love & Light x


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