rise and resonate blog

6 Things you can control in life

Today's blog is all about things you can control, in a time where you maybe feel like things are out of your control.
This evening i'll be curling up with my cards and doing some cleansing rituals with the waning energies of the full moon.
Spiritual rituals and my ritual kits help me take control of situations or feelings and visualise how I want things to go. It calms the mind and leaves me feeling at peace within no matter what is happening around me.

Here are six things you can control that are all great ways to keep your mind and body vibrating and that higher frequency and full of good energy. No matter what we are facing in our personal lives or around us!

How you treat yourself - it's plain and simple, look after your thoughts, be kind to yourself, keep your heart light, and you will attract the same. Take some time out to clear your mind and meditate, practice self love and gratitude.

How you treat your body - look after yourself, take time out for self-care, don't burn yourself out. Go for walks in nature, switch off the TV and step away from your phones for a while.

How I treat others - always treat others around you how you would treat yourself. and for the people, you may be angry at, the people in our Government or even people you know... as hard as this sounds... send them love and light... if you want to see a change in the world, BE THE CHANGE. send that love to them, pray for them to be better.

How I react to people and situations - this is a biggy, people can hurt, anger upset you, but by you being in a state of anger is not hurting them, it's only hurting you, lowering your vibrations and causing yourself the stress.
You have a right to be angry, but don't dwell on it, move through it, and bring yourself back to the present.

Who I spend time with - Don't surround yourself with anyone that doesn't bring you joy, support your dreams and lift you up. if they bring you down it's time to move on.

What I put in my body and what I eat - this is completely your choice to make, but it makes sense to look after your overall wellbeing by choosing foods that keep you healthy and happy! And that goes for anything you put on your skin, your drink or take. The key is finding a good balance.

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