6 Reasons to be happy this January

6 Reasons to be happy this January

After a month of festivities, going back to 'reality' can be tough on the best of us. Let alone going into a January of potential isolations and cold-short days. But I hope that for anyone reading this, in need of a boost, the below reminders will give you the lift you may need.

It's not all butterflies, rainbows and positivity, just a reminder that you got this... we all do x

1. You made it through the craziest past 2 years, and that is a feat in itself! If there's anything the last years taught us its resilience. That we are so much stronger than we think. It's actually mind-blowing what we have had to get used to and gives me hope that we can deal with whatever comes next, locked down or not.



2. And on that note, you're alive, a blunt but important thing to point out. Sadly many people have not been so fortunate, so I try to focus on this blessing daily when I find myself in a negative mindset.




3. After a month of indulging and over-drinking our motivation is usually at its highest to want to change to a healthier lifestyle. If you can get out and move, there has NEVER been a better time to focus on keeping ourselves fit and healthy. Getting out in nature can be great for your mind body and spirit, just what we need right now and to keep our immune systems in good shape.


ritual awakening


4. Spring is coming!! and days are now getting longer! we are over the hump guys, you got this! brighter days are literally coming haha.



5. More time at home with some great benefits; extra hours in the day to pick up projects and goals you've never had time for. Exactly what I did and here I am, a little business to thank for it!


ritual awakening


6. Downtime and cosy days in combined, are perfect for creating a new self-care practice you take with you throughout the year.
Think about creating a morning ritual that brings routine and structure into your days. From guided meditations to practising yoga or simply dedicating one evening a week to you.

I love having a bath, away from screens and interruptions, perfect for meditating or just switching off from the world. My bath time meditation kits are fab for this, when I'm feeling stressed I always reach for my 'Relaxation' mix and focus on washing away the worries of the day.



ritual awakening


It's by no means an easy month, but one day at a time, we got this.

Practising gratitude is the main way I help myself get out of a bad mindset and remember all there is still to be grateful for.


If you are struggling this January, please don't struggle alone. My inbox is always open across my Instagram and Facebook if you need to talk or just want an ear to listen.


I've also listed some numbers for relevant charities that work throughout COVID to help. 



Several studies have suggested that the majority of mental health issues develop before the age of 24 indicating a necessity for early intervention. YoungMinds leads the way in supporting young people and those around them with dealing with mental health issues. Their helpline specifically addresses concerned parents.

Phone number: 0808 802 5544

Opening hours: 9:30 am – 4pm, Monday to Friday



A leading force for change, this charity campaigns for greater awareness and access to support. Mind can answer all your questions surrounding mental health and give you tailored advice about what support is available to you.

Phone number: 0300 123 3393

Opening hours: 9am – 6pm, Monday to Friday



Providing round-the-clock support (literally 24 hours a day, 365 days a year), Samaritans is on a mission to prevent suicide. Call this non-judgemental service if you’re struggling, experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation or just need someone to talk to.

Phone number: 116 123

Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year



Horrifyingly, suicide is the UK’s biggest threat to males under 45. This charity aims to combat this tragic issue with advice and support for men aged between 15 to 35.

Phone number: 0800 58 58 58 (nationwide), 0808 802 58 58 (London)

Opening hours: 5pm to midnight, 365 days a year


The Mix

Exceptionally innovative and progressive, this charity, which is aimed at under 25s, talks to young people about very real issues that they might be facing.

Phone number: 0808 808 4994

Opening hours: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday




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