5 Step Outside Grounding Ritual

5 Step Outside Grounding Ritual

Happy Spring Equinox! The turning of the year, the beginning of spring and warmer days to come, It's the perfect time to get back outside and reconnect with nature. What better way to do it than reconnecting with the earth below and grounding your mind body and spirit with mother nature's energies!

I truly love to just get out and feel the earth beneath my feet sometimes, there is just something about being connected to the earth that is beautifully humbling.
Did you know that grounding/earthing is being studied and researched from a scientific point of view?
We already have studies showing improvement in sleep, blood flow, inflammation reduction, chronic pain, mood and more!


So what is it!?

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.


How do you do it!?

When incorporating grounding into your self-care routine, I like to make this technique part of a larger ritual and really take time to connect with our physical senses. I truly believe in times where we feel lost, or confused, even when we are struggling to make clear judgments, using this process helps me calm the mind, reset and recharge.

So here is a little snippet of how I go about using our five senses to ground and take ourselves "back to base".

 Rise and resonate

To start this ritual I like to make a homemade herbal tea or pick a fav pre made bag. Herbs like ginger are associated with grounding and healing and linked to the Root chakra. It has a strong scent that can heighten the senses.


With your tea, take a seat outside and allow your feed to connect with the ground below. Take a moment to feel the earth beneath you and visualise your root chakra taking root into the ground, absorbing the earth positive energies.


Take a moment to bask in your surroundings, focus on all the variations of colours, patterns and textures of nature. Acknowledge the beauty that surrounds you, from the immense details with the flowers to the huge formations in the clouds. Take time to remind yourself that you too are a part of this beautiful creation


Notice the scents of the grass and the plants, remember how they smell after a fresh downpour or a long summers day. Take in the blooming flowers and the cooking of nearby houses. Breathe in the fresh air and the aromatic scents of your strewing herbal tea.



Listen to the sounds of Mother Earth and the creatures that pass you by.
Let natures music take you away to the peace within you are looking for.
Allow yourself this time to relax and recharge, feel all your senses humming with the vibrations of our home and take note of any signs that may be presented to you.


I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday. Love & Light, Stace x


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