2021 Achievable Self-care Resolutions

2021 Achievable Self-care Resolutions

If there is one thing you can add to your 2021 goals, it's looking after your mind, body and soul. If 2020 has taught us anything; how we look after ourselves on the inside can greatly impact how to react to life's challenges on the outside.

I would have struggled with many of last years bombshells if it wasn't for a positive mindset and my favourite self-care practices. Even small things like a structured morning routine can help set yourself up for the rest of the day.

So if you’re looking for new ways this year to incorporate achievable resolutions, that are wellbeing focused and free, I've listed some great ones below.



1 hour of self-care time out a week

1 hour out of 168 a week, that's not a lot to ask for your overall wellbeing?

This hour can be solely dedicated to you and your inner wellbeing, something that leaves your feeling calm and content.

Some ideas I like to try in this "all about me time" is...

  • A bath ritual
  • Journaling
  • A calming hobby you enjoy (like yoga or painting)
  • Meditating
  • Manifesting or working on your goals
  • Reading
  • Crystal grid making
  • Angel card reading
  • A walk in nature
  • Crystal work



practice mindfulness daily

Mindfulness can be something as small as checking your thoughts throughout the day and making sure you align them to a positive attitude. or as big as committing to practices like meditation, yoga, spiritual development or journaling. Adding simple daily rituals into your life like meditation or journaling can help towards keeping your thoughts in that higher frequency and full of positive vibes!.

One of the main benefits I’ve got from mindfulness is a new perspective on life. You see you can choose to look at the negatives of the situation we are in at the moment, or you can choose to see it as an opportunity to grow. Lots of people now, understandably, are in a state of fear, stress and uncertainty with this virus. However, through practices like meditation, I have learnt to focus my thoughts on the positive and stop stressful thoughts dead in their tracks...



1 day a week switch off from work

We can often find ourselves on a production line of 'eat sleep work repeat' especially for those working from home. The lines between work and home life can blur and before we know it we have burnt ourselves out with an unbalanced lifestyle. 

Hands up if you are guilty of not being able to switch off from work?! 

Try and choose a day to turn off your computers and work phones and focus on your own free time, do something that replenishes your mind body and soul so you can be your best when you return. 

  • pamper days
  • walks in nature 
  • movieathons 
  • cleanouts (actually quite therapeutic to me!)
  • room refreshes
  • family games days.



create a pre-work morning routine

Stop reaching for your phone and start reaching for a better morning routine! Another one I can be guilty of. When you start your day by opening your phone and checking the news or other peoples lives, this can cultivate a negative mindset. Try planning a routine that will set you up for the day positively. I like to set my intentions through affirmations or meditating, focusing on how I want my day to roll out. You can also add in morning exercises like yoga or a walk, perfect for energising your body and waking you up.



Spend more time in nature

It's a no brainer, getting out in nature is amazing for our mental health, as its one of the few things we can do at the moment, people are flocking to our beautiful English walks and local nature spaces.

If you are one of them you will know just how much good this can do for your wellbeing. Something we should keep participating in well after the lockdown!

Benefits include

  • Improved physical health
  • Improved supply of vitamin D
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Clears the mind
  • Strengthens your immune system 
  • boosts your energy


Incorporate meditation into your day

Making meditation a daily ritual will help you get into the routine of a more positive flow of life and greatly benefit the way you think, speak and react to stressful situations.

Meditation is a brilliant tool that can benefit us in so many ways. From calming anxiety/stress to bring focus and clarity when our minds get cluttered.

  • reduces stress
  • controls anxiety 
  • promotes emotional health
  • enhances self-awareness
  • lengthens attention span
  • may reduce age-related memory loss
  • can generate kindness
  • may help fight addictions
  • improves sleep
  • helps control pain
  • can decrease blood pressure


Head over to my blog post 'An introduction to meditation' for more info on meditation, or check out my meditation kits here on the store. 


Love & Light x


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